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The Wonders of Herbal Remedies

Medicine in the 1840s was primarily composed of natural herbal mixtures and spices. Pioneers would go out in the spring to collect various plants and they would do the same in the fall for roots. Plants and roots were gathered in various places in the forest and were grown without pesticides. 

Ways Medicine Was USed

Their herbs were vital to their ways of life and were used for just about everything you can think of. The white willow plant from the willow tree was used to ease headaches and pain. Native Americans would chew on the bark for the same reasons. Mint leaves and ginger roots were used to help stomach aches while mint among other things was also fused with tea to help people's sore throats.

A table of assorted herbal remedies used for many needs on the frontier.

A table full of shredded plants and teas, along with soaps and homemade mixtures.

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